Pasadena, CA
When we showed up at Fiesta Floats for work we were blown away by the fact that there were ten floats being built simultaneously in one building. Here I want to display all ten from concept to parade day.
Sponsor: City of Torrence
Title: Follow Your Dreams
Sponsor: Dole
Title: Dreaming of Paradise
Award: Sweepstakes Trophy for most beautiful entry
Sponsor: Kaiser Permanente
Title: Oh, The Healthy Things You Can Do
Award: Theme Trophy for best presentation of the Rose Parade theme
Sponsor: Macy's
Title: Presenting the Royal Court
Sponsor: Miracle-Gro
Title: Everyone Grows
Award: Crown City Innovation Trophy for best use of imagination and innovation to advance the art of float design
Sponsor: Beverly Hills Pet Care Foundation
Title: Follow the Stars - Adopt a Pet
Award: Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy for most beautiful entry from a noncommercial sponsor
Sponsor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Title: Transforming Communities Through Sisterhood & Service
Sponsor: Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Foods
Title: Canines with Courage
Award: Past Presidents' Trophy for most creative use of floral and nonfloral materials
Sponsor: Ministery of Tourism & Creative Economies, Republic of Indonesia
Title: Wonderful Indonesia
Award: President's Trophy for most effective use and presentation of flowers
Sponsor: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Title: The Global Face of AIDS
Award: Queen's Trophy for best use of roses
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