GC4NN63, Lewisburg Bookswap Cache
Lewisburg, PA
GPS: 40.968317, -076.885200
My mission is to carry the Project Healing Waters message to flyfishermen in all 50 states.
This is a second life for Pete the Prince Nymph. This time it is a laminated business card with the tracking code displayed prominently on the face of the card and a message on the back. In the first life, this travel bug was a piece of paper inside a film canister, green body, yellow top, attached to an actual TB. I launched Pete the first time in Telluride, CO in July 2010. It disappeared sometime in 2012 after having logged 2,668 miles and 13 posts. I pulled back the travel bug number and relaunched Pete in GC4NN63, Lewisburg Bookswap Cache, in Lewisburg, PA on 20 May 2014. I guess there is some slim chance that the original might show up.
The Prince Nymph is a fantastic nymph pattern that fools trout all over the world. The pattern is credited to Doug Prince. The Prince Nymph is a universally productive quasi-imitation of an underwater bug. It looks alive, but different. In the natural world different will get you killed. It often ends that way for this fly.
Pete is one of twelve characters created by artist Kirk Werner for three books designed to introduce children to fly fishing.
I have created a Trackable for each character. If you would like to see them all, here are the Geocaching Travel Bug Numbers: TB3E3X5, TB3E3Y2, TB3E3X7, TB3F6AD, TB3F69B, TB3F6AW, TB3F69V, TB3F69Z, TB3F6AV, TB3F6A3, TB3F6A5, TB3F6A0.
TB3F69V – Andy the Adams
TB3F6AD – Billy the Blue-Wing Olive
TB3F6AW – Ernie the Elk Hair Caddis
TB3F6AV – Gilbert the Gold-Ribbed Hare's Ear
TB3E3X5 – Mr. Muddler the Muddler Minnow
TB3E3X7 – Olive the Woolly Bugger
TB3F69B – Pete the Prince Nymph
TB3F69Z – Polly the Partridge & Orange
TB3F6A3 – Randal the Royal Coachman
TB3F6A5 – Sally the Yellow Sally
TB3F6A0 – Stan the Stimulator
TB3E3Y2 – Zachary the Purple Zonker
Pictures of all of us – just pictures
Geocaching (and other GPS games)
Project Healing Waters
Miami Valley Fly Fishers
Kirk Werner