Sunday, December 27, 2015

Frosty The Snowman by Josh

27 Dec 2015
Highlands Ranch, CO


A story by Joshua Hazlett (age 8)

Once upon a time, there was a snowman named Frosty. He was very jolly. He liked to say hi to everyone he met. Everyone liked to follow him around. He was very kind.

One day, the sun came out. Frosty was allergic to the sun. All the kids were sad. So sad that they went to their houses and grabbed their money and spent it on an extra place in their houses. A place in their house where it was -50 degrees.

It was VERY cold.

So now, Frosty and the kids could play together whenever they wanted. So all the kids had to do was go to the place in their house where Frosty was.


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