Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Letterbox for the Monte Cristo Saloon and Dance Hall

Monte Cristo Saloon and Dance Hall Gift Shop and Gallery
Chloride, NM 87943
GPS Coordinates (in three formats):
N 33.338660o, W 107.681298o
N 33o 20.3196', W 107o 40.8779'
N 33o 20' 19.17", W 107o 40' 52.67"
Elevation: 6,186 feet

A while back I surveyed the local area for letterboxes using the Box Radar app. The app shows numerous letterboxes in the vicinity of Truth or Consequences and Elephant Butte. However they are all old and haven't been found for several years. I suspect they are all missing and I have no desire to search for them.

Let's put one in Chloride! I have been reluctant to put letterboxes in places where I cannot maintain them, but Tiggermama convinced me otherwise. So I decided to put one here in Chloride. The owner will be Linda Turner using the trail name Monte Cristo. The box name is Silver Chloride and the number is AQ 254862. The box is located at GPS Coordinates N 33.338660o, W107.681298o.

The clue:
"This box is located in the Monte Cristo Saloon and Dance Hall Gift Shop and Gallery in Chloride, NM. It is available during normal visiting hours (10AM to 4PM every day). Ask for the box and tell us where the Hanging Tree is located."

I hope the letterbox and this blog post brings a few folks to Chloride for a visit to the Monte Cristo Saloon and Dance Hall and to The Pioneer Store Museum.

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